Thursday 18 October 2018

The UAE Driving Institute – A Guide to Driving License Theory Test

Joining a reputed UAE driving institute is very important, especially for a driving license aspirant who wants to pass his or her driving license tests on first attempt. The driving license aspirants would have to pass three driving license tests in order to get a driving license in the UAE. The driving license aspirants would have to attempt to pass the driving license theory test before they can appear for the parking test or the road test to be able to get a driving license.

But here is the thing, getting a driving license in the UAE is not easy and a driving license aspirant has to try a lot and spend quite a substantial amount of money to be able to get one. As passing the tests is not easy, many driving license aspirants often have to reattempt the theory test, parking test and the road test and that adds to the costs.
This is the reason why it is absolutely necessary for the driving license aspirants to join a reputed driving institute in UAE to increase their chances of getting a driving license in the UAE. A good driving institute would help you a lot in making sure that you pass the tests quickly and as effortlessly as possible. Before you can even appear for the driving license road test or the parking test, you would have to appear for the driving license theory test and passing it is absolutely necessary. 

Understanding the procedure to attempt the driving license theory test and excelling at it is very necessary. This is where a good UAE driving institute comes in. With a good driving school, you can increase your chances of passing your driving license theory test on first attempt and quickly get to attempt the parking tests and road test. 

If you want to pass the driving license theory test, then here is everything that you should be aware of about the UAE driving institute and theory test.

Why Should You Join A UAE Driving Institute?

Attempting to get a driving license in the UAE is very expensive so your first priority should be to get access to the best driving school in order to increase your chances of passing the driving license tests. Choosing a reputed driving school is absolutely necessary as it will increase your chances of passing the driving license tests on first attempt. 

Since passing the theory test is the first step in getting a driving license, it is absolutely necessary for the driving license aspirant to pay full attention to it and try to get as much help as possible. Many people believe that the theory test is the easiest driving license test, however, it has its own difficulties and its issues and if the driving license aspirant is not paying attention, it can get very difficult for the license aspirant to pass the theory test. 

It is necessary for the driving license aspirant to choose a good driving institute in UAE so that they can increase our chances of getting through the theory test on first attempt. As the theory test is a test of the driving license aspirant’s knowledge about the traffic laws, rules and regulations, a good driving school will help you learn the process and help you get familiar with the correct way of driving in the UAE in no time. 

When you are looking for the best UAE driving institute, you should look for a driving school that offers all 8 mandatory lectures that have been set by traffic authorities in the UAE. This will help you in getting familiar with the content and since such schools have the best experienced trainers and instructors, you will have to opportunity to learn from the best. They will put maximum effort into your training and ensure that you are ready to take the test and pass it on first attempt.

How to Book Your Theory Test?

If you join a reputed driving school in the UAE, you will not have to worry about this since the driving school will take of this for you. However, if your driving school does not provide this service, you will have to do it yourself. To book your theory test, you will have gather some documents and submit them in the regular department of the traffic authorities.
The documents required to book a theory test date are mentioned below:

  • Passport Size Photos (5)
  • Copies of Passport
  • Eye Test Receipt
  • Emirates ID Card (Original and Copy for Verification)
  • NOC (No Objection Certificate Your Sponsor (For Expats)

How Should You Attempt the Theory Test?

If you join a good UAE driving institute, you will not have to worry about this as well because the team of experienced trainers and teachers would train you properly and help you master the procedure. Since many of the best schools have multilingual trainers and instructors, they will break down the language barriers and ensure that they understand the material by heart before the test.
During the theory test, the driving license aspirant would have to attempt to answer 35 multiple choice questions. In the test, there will be 17 common questions and 18 specific questions. You would have to get 12 points in the common questions section and 13 points in the specific questions section. This is the best way to pass your theory test. With the help of a good UAE driving institute, you can pass your theory test on first attempt.

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